KIZUNA Strings


String-Test 2020

KIZUNA, a Japanese company that is still relatively unknown in Europe, has established itself as one of the most popular string manufacturers in Asia in recent years. Responsible is Mr. Abe Hideo, who founded KIZUNA in 2013 and stands for the production and distribution of badminton strings and equipment "Made in Japan". As a long-time badminton trainer and former national coach, Mr. Hideo has made it his goal to develop good badminton strings that support the game of amateur players. Many recreational badminton players lack physical condition and technique. And this is exactly where KIZUNA comes in. Good badminton strings should make you feel like a better player. BADLAB racket team tested to which extent KIZUNA achieved this goal.

16. November 2020


KIZUNA Strings

String-Test 2020

KIZUNA, a Japanese company that is still relatively unknown in Europe, has established itself as one of the most popular string manufacturers in Asia in recent years. Responsible is Mr. Abe Hideo, who founded KIZUNA in 2013 and stands for the production and distribution of badminton strings and equipment "Made in Japan". As a long-time badminton trainer and former national coach, Mr. Hideo has made it his goal to develop good badminton strings that support the game of amateur players. Many recreational badminton players lack physical condition and technique. And this is exactly where KIZUNA comes in. Good badminton strings should make you feel like a better player. BADLAB racket team tested to which extent KIZUNA achieved this goal.

16. November 2020

KIZUNA Strings


String-Test 2020

KIZUNA, a Japanese company that is still relatively unknown in Europe, has established itself as one of the most popular string manufacturers in Asia in recent years. Responsible is Mr. Abe Hideo, who founded KIZUNA in 2013 and stands for the production and distribution of badminton strings and equipment "Made in Japan". As a long-time badminton trainer and former national coach, Mr. Hideo has made it his goal to develop good badminton strings that support the game of amateur players. Many recreational badminton players lack physical condition and technique. And this is exactly where KIZUNA comes in. Good badminton strings should make you feel like a better player. BADLAB racket team tested to which extent KIZUNA achieved this goal.

16. November 2020

KIZUNA Strings


String-Test 2020

KIZUNA, a Japanese company that is still relatively unknown in Europe, has established itself as one of the most popular string manufacturers in Asia in recent years. Responsible is Mr. Abe Hideo, who founded KIZUNA in 2013 and stands for the production and distribution of badminton strings and equipment "Made in Japan". As a long-time badminton trainer and former national coach, Mr. Hideo has made it his goal to develop good badminton strings that support the game of amateur players. Many recreational badminton players lack physical condition and technique. And this is exactly where KIZUNA comes in. Good badminton strings should make you feel like a better player. BADLAB racket team tested to which extent KIZUNA achieved this goal.

16. November 2020

KIZUNA Strings


String-Test 2020

KIZUNA, a Japanese company that is still relatively unknown in Europe, has established itself as one of the most popular string manufacturers in Asia in recent years. Responsible is Mr. Abe Hideo, who founded KIZUNA in 2013 and stands for the production and distribution of badminton strings and equipment "Made in Japan". As a long-time badminton trainer and former national coach, Mr. Hideo has made it his goal to develop good badminton strings that support the game of amateur players. Many recreational badminton players lack physical condition and technique. And this is exactly where KIZUNA comes in. Good badminton strings should make you feel like a better player. BADLAB racket team tested to which extent KIZUNA achieved this goal.

16. November 2020

String-Test 2020


YONEX Strings

YONEX has been supplying the international tournament world in badminton with its strings for years. The YONEX BG 80 has become the most popular badminton string among professionals. But there have also been some innovations in recent years such as the super-thin Aerosonic (0.61 mm) or the aerobite hybrid stringing for badminton rackets.
We took a closer look at how these developments compare to the top strings that have been tried and tested over the years.

19. February 2020

String-Test 2020


YONEX Strings

YONEX has been supplying the international tournament world in badminton with its strings for years. The YONEX BG 80 has become the most popular badminton string among professionals. But there have also been some innovations in recent years such as the super-thin Aerosonic (0.61 mm) or the aerobite hybrid stringing for badminton rackets.
We took a closer look at how these developments compare to the top strings that have been tried and tested over the years.

19. February 2020

String-Test 2020


YONEX Strings

YONEX has been supplying the international tournament world in badminton with its strings for years. The YONEX BG 80 has become the most popular badminton string among professionals. But there have also been some innovations in recent years such as the super-thin Aerosonic (0.61 mm) or the aerobite hybrid stringing for badminton rackets.
We took a closer look at how these developments compare to the top strings that have been tried and tested over the years.

19. February 2020

String-Test 2020


YONEX Strings

YONEX has been supplying the international tournament world in badminton with its strings for years. The YONEX BG 80 has become the most popular badminton string among professionals. But there have also been some innovations in recent years such as the super-thin Aerosonic (0.61 mm) or the aerobite hybrid stringing for badminton rackets.
We took a closer look at how these developments compare to the top strings that have been tried and tested over the years.

19. February 2020

String-Test 2020


YONEX Strings

YONEX has been supplying the international tournament world in badminton with its strings for years. The YONEX BG 80 has become the most popular badminton string among professionals. But there have also been some innovations in recent years such as the super-thin Aerosonic (0.61 mm) or the aerobite hybrid stringing for badminton rackets.
We took a closer look at how these developments compare to the top strings that have been tried and tested over the years.

19. February 2020

String-Test 2020


YONEX Strings

YONEX has been supplying the international tournament world in badminton with its strings for years. The YONEX BG 80 has become the most popular badminton string among professionals. But there have also been some innovations in recent years such as the super-thin Aerosonic (0.61 mm) or the aerobite hybrid stringing for badminton rackets.
We took a closer look at how these developments compare to the top strings that have been tried and tested over the years.

19. February 2020

String-Test 2020


YONEX Strings

YONEX has been supplying the international tournament world in badminton with its strings for years. The YONEX BG 80 has become the most popular badminton string among professionals. But there have also been some innovations in recent years such as the super-thin Aerosonic (0.61 mm) or the aerobite hybrid stringing for badminton rackets.
We took a closer look at how these developments compare to the top strings that have been tried and tested over the years.

19. February 2020

String-Test 2019

VICTOR Strings

Victor VBS 70

The current VICTOR VBS badminton strings in the test: VBS 63, VBS 66 Nano, VBS 68, VBS 68 Power and VBS 70.

When it comes to strings, VICTOR has been cooperating with Ashaway for years and recommends their ZyMax strings. At the same time, VICTOR has now supplemented its own VBS premium string series and brought it out in a new look. The goal: to have something of convincing quality for every player type. In their first string-only test, the BADLAB racket team got an idea of ​​the extent to which this goal was implemented.

01. December 2019

String-Test 2019

VICTOR Strings

Victor VBS 68 P

The current VICTOR VBS badminton strings in the test: VBS 63, VBS 66 Nano, VBS 68, VBS 68 Power and VBS 70.

When it comes to strings, VICTOR has been cooperating with Ashaway for years and recommends their ZyMax strings. At the same time, VICTOR has now supplemented its own VBS premium string series and brought it out in a new look. The goal: to have something of convincing quality for every player type. In their first string-only test, the BADLAB racket team got an idea of ​​the extent to which this goal was implemented.

01. December 2019

String-Test 2019

VICTOR Strings

Victor VBS 68

The current VICTOR VBS badminton strings in the test: VBS 63, VBS 66 Nano, VBS 68, VBS 68 Power and VBS 70.

When it comes to strings, VICTOR has been cooperating with Ashaway for years and recommends their ZyMax strings. At the same time, VICTOR has now supplemented its own VBS premium string series and brought it out in a new look. The goal: to have something of convincing quality for every player type. In their first string-only test, the BADLAB racket team got an idea of ​​the extent to which this goal was implemented.

01. December 2019

String-Test 2019

VICTOR Strings

Victor VBS 66 N

The current VICTOR VBS badminton strings in the test: VBS 63, VBS 66 Nano, VBS 68, VBS 68 Power and VBS 70.

When it comes to strings, VICTOR has been cooperating with Ashaway for years and recommends their ZyMax strings. At the same time, VICTOR has now supplemented its own VBS premium string series and brought it out in a new look. The goal: to have something of convincing quality for every player type. In their first string-only test, the BADLAB racket team got an idea of ​​the extent to which this goal was implemented.

01. December 2019

String-Test 2019

VICTOR Strings

Victor VBS 63

The current VICTOR VBS badminton strings in the test: VBS 63, VBS 66 Nano, VBS 68, VBS 68 Power and VBS 70.

When it comes to strings, VICTOR has been cooperating with Ashaway for years and recommends their ZyMax strings. At the same time, VICTOR has now supplemented its own VBS premium string series and brought it out in a new look. The goal: to have something of convincing quality for every player type. In their first string-only test, the BADLAB racket team got an idea of ​​the extent to which this goal was implemented.

01. December 2019

String Tests

Racket Tests

Tech Videos


Badminton News


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