String-Test 2019

VICTOR Strings

Victor VBS 68

Victor VBS 68 in the test

The current VICTOR VBS badminton strings in the test: VBS 63, VBS 66 Nano, VBS 68, VBS 68 Power and VBS 70.

When it comes to strings, VICTOR has been cooperating with Ashaway for years and recommends their ZyMax strings. At the same time, VICTOR has now supplemented its own VBS premium string series and brought it out in a new look. The goal: to have something of convincing quality for every player type. In their first string-only test, the BADLAB racket team got an idea of ​​the extent to which this goal was implemented.

VICTOR VBS 68 - Rating: 1 2 3 4 5   Average
1. The string conveys a good feel for the stroke (touch/feedback) - - 2 3 -   3,6
2. The string has good elasticity and damping properties - 1 1 3 -   3,4
3. The string retains its elasticity (trampoline effect) for a very long time - 1 2 2 -   3,2
4. The string supports a good length on Clears - - 1 3 1   4
5. The string supports my underhand play (e.g. in defense) - - 2 3 -   3,6
6. The string provides good control during short game (e.g. cut or short crossball at net) - - 2 1 2   4
7. The string offers good, controlled power transmission for hard smashes. - - 2 2 1   3,8
8. The string impresses with a good "sound" - 1 1 3 -   3,4
Overall rating             3,63

Assessment: The VICTOR VBS 68 - brand new in the VBS range. All values ​​are far above average, but the special strength of this string is the controlled power transmission. We all agreed that the VBS 68 is a top string for tech-savvy players who don't need a pronounced trampoline effect to get enough length and hardness in their hits. The fact that VBS 68 is the most used string among VICTOR contract players should not go unmentioned here. by the popular Danish world class player H.K. Vittinghus.

01. December 2019

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