String-Test 2022
YONEX Strings
YONEX EXBOLT 65 - 0,65 mm in the Test
Like the thinner predecessor Exbolt 63, the Exbolt 65 string also uses Forged Fiber material for the outer shell, which promises a high durability of thin strings. The additional Elasticity-Outer outer coating of the fibers is new. This means that the string surface of the EXBOLT 65 is even smoother than that of the EXBOLT 63. The result should be a better snap-back effect and greater durability as the strings don't "saw" together as much. A dream for every stringer and friend of smooth strings
First impression: After a few shots, it became immediately clear that if you don't hit the ball accurately and are outside the sweet spot, you lose the feel for your shot. However, once you have taken this into account and adjusted to it, very good control and impressive power transfer quickly become apparent.
The character of the string was evaluated according to 8 criteria on a scale from 1 (does not apply) to 5 (fully applies). The highest rating is therefore a 5. Let's start with the hard facts:
YONEX EXBOLT 65 - 0,65 mm | Average |
1. The string gives a good feel (touch/feedback) | 4,5 |
2. The string has good elasticity and damping properties | 5 |
3. The string retains its elasticity (trampoline effect) for a very long time | 4,5 |
4. The string supports good length in clears | 4 |
5. The string supports my underhand play (e.g. when defending) | 4,7 |
6. The string provides good control during short game (e.g. cut or short cross ball at the net) | 4,5 |
7. The string offers a rich, controlled power transfer on hard smashes. | 4,2 |
8. The string impresses with a good "sound | 3,8 |
Evaluation: After the long-term test, our testers agreed that it was a string with great resilience, which focused on elasticity and damping properties. It scores with excellent recoil in defense and in short games. It is pleasing that this elasticity remains noticeable for a long time - which we were able to objectify through regular control measurements for the development of the lateral tension with the stringster app.
We can confirm with a clear conscience that the EXBOLT 65 is a very good "all-round string" with above-average ratings in all disciplines, which has already spread among the world's top players. At the "YONEX French Open 2022" Mark Lamfuß (MD/MX), Aaron Chia (MD) and Kirsty Gilmour (WS) have already played the new EXBOLT 65 and we are sure that many more pros will follow.
As with the EXBOLT 63, the new EXBOLT 65 is also available in the 3 colours black, white and yellow.
BADLAB unreservedly recommends the new YONEX EXBOLT 65 to all players who are looking for support for a powerful offensive game without having to forego control. They can also look forward to the fact that elasticity, cushioning and the trampoline effect last a long time.
Regarding the stringing tension, we recommend 22 lbs to a maximum of 25,5 lbs
02. October 2022
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