Racket Tests 2019


We have just completed the test of the AURASPEED 90 S when VICTOR is already adding the new K variants. Of course, the BADLAB racket team had to do that too. For a short practical test we received from VICTOR the new top model AURASPEED 90 K in the specifications U3 G5 and had it strung with a VICTOR VBS 63 with 11 kg.

02. December 2019

Racket Tests 2019


Speed is the claim of VICTOR´s new top racket. Our expectations are clear: excellent handling and great ball acceleration. According to the manufacturer, this should be made possible by the new WES and R.T.C technologies, which ensure a higher rebound effect and a better angle for powerful smashes. The shaft, which is still relatively stiff, should, in combination with a light grip, provide excellent drive play and the desired lightness on defensive shots.

02. December 2019

Racket Test 2018

Yonex Astrox 99

Just in time for the start of sales of the new ASTROX 99, the BADLAB racket group gives the practical test. For this purpose, YONEX had already provided us with four copies of this newest member of the ASTROX family. We tested them all with 11–12 kg for testing - with a YONEX BG 80 or an Aerobite.

02. December 2019

Racket Tests 2019

Yonex Nanoflare 700

Even before the official start of sales in March 2019, the BADLAB racket troop had the opportunity to put one of the top rackets in the newly launched YONEX NANOFLARE series to a practical test. As always, we didn't just take a few hits with the rackets, but put them through their paces over several weeks. We had our test specimens strung with a YONEX Aerobite weighing 11 kg.

02. December 2019

Racket Test 2018

Yonex Astrox 88

In our January test of the ASTROX 77, we spoke somewhat prematurely of the "new top model of the ASTROX series". But now for advanced badminton players, YONEX has gone one step further with the top-heavy high-end rackets ASTROX 88 S and 88 D - individually tailored to 2 different game types:

02. December 2019

Racket Test 2018

Yonex Astrox 77

New Dimension Graphite, Rotational Generator System, Solid Feel Core, ... more stroke control, higher ball acceleration and steeper attack angles. That sounds promising. And in terms of taste, there is something for everyone with two different colors. But we are not so easily impressed! 10 test players of the BADMINTON LABORATORY racket team played the ASTROX 77 to get an idea of what these new concepts bring in practice.

02. December 2019

Badminton News


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